In the English language
article entitled "Guide to learn to make web with PHP and MySQL",
because I want to make a thorough overview of how to create a dynamic
web using PHP programming language and MySQL database.In
this article I provide modules in the form of PDF files and web source
files in order to make friends is easy to read, learn, and develop
modules and web that I created. In this online course, we will study the material that I have divided into several modules.The first module (the manufacture of bio-data applications) contain material:
Introduction to PHP and MySQL
Software used to learn PHP
Steps to start learning PHP
Steps to create database in phpMyAdmin
Module manufacturing step program
The second module (making application login) containing material:
Admin table creation
Md5 encryption
Create a form in a file form_admin.php
Session creation in login.php file
Checking Session in home.php file
Making session_destroy (logout) in file logout.php
The third module (edit web template) containing material:
How to find and download the template file on the internet
How to edit the web template file
How to incorporate into a web application template
URL handling in web templates
The fourth module (web upload to hosting) containing material:
Stage in the preparation of local computer
Creating a free domain at site
Creating a free hosting site
Creating a database in hosting
Importing database to hosting
Uploading files to a web hosting
Changing the database connection file hosting
Combining domain with hosting
Download Course Modules
The first module
Both modules
The third module
The four modules
How to download:
Wait for 5 seconds to continue the next step, to look at the time you try to look at the top right corner
If it is up to 5 seconds, then it will appear the words "SKIP AD" or "SKIP" in the upper right corner. Click on the
Once you click on the piece, then you will be taken to the download link.
Introduction to PHP and MySQL
Software used to learn PHP
Steps to start learning PHP
Steps to create database in phpMyAdmin
Module manufacturing step program
The second module (making application login) containing material:
Admin table creation
Md5 encryption
Create a form in a file form_admin.php
Session creation in login.php file
Checking Session in home.php file
Making session_destroy (logout) in file logout.php
The third module (edit web template) containing material:
How to find and download the template file on the internet
How to edit the web template file
How to incorporate into a web application template
URL handling in web templates
The fourth module (web upload to hosting) containing material:
Stage in the preparation of local computer
Creating a free domain at site
Creating a free hosting site
Creating a database in hosting
Importing database to hosting
Uploading files to a web hosting
Changing the database connection file hosting
Combining domain with hosting
Download Course Modules
The first module
Both modules
The third module
The four modules
How to download:
Wait for 5 seconds to continue the next step, to look at the time you try to look at the top right corner
If it is up to 5 seconds, then it will appear the words "SKIP AD" or "SKIP" in the upper right corner. Click on the
Once you click on the piece, then you will be taken to the download link.
Dalam Bahasa (Indonesia)
Artikel ini bertema “Panduan belajar membuat web dengan PHP dan MySQL”, karena saya ingin membuat rangkuman secara menyeluruh tentang bagaimana cara membuat sebuah web dinamis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL.
Dalam artikel ini saya menyediakan modul-modul dalam bentuk file PDF dan file source web dengan tujuan agar teman-teman mudah untuk membaca, mempelajari, dan mengembangkan modul dan web yang saya buat. Dalam kursus online ini, kita akan mempelajari materi yang sudah saya bagi menjadi beberapa modul.
modul pertama (pembuatan aplikasi biodata) berisi materi :
- Pengenalan PHP dan MySQL
- Software yang digunakan belajar PHP
- Langkah untuk memulai belajar PHP
- Langkah pembuatan database di PhpMyadmin
- Langkah pembuatan modul program
Modul kedua(pembuatan aplikasi login) yang berisi materi :
- Pembuatan tabel admin
- Enkripsi md5
- Membuat form dalam file form_admin.php
- Pembuatan Session dalam file login.php
- Pengecekan Session dalam file home.php
- Pembuatan Session_destroy (logout) dalam file logout.php
Modul ketiga(edit template web) yang berisi materi :
- Cara mencari dan download file template di internet
- Cara edit file template web
- Cara menggabungkan aplikasi web kedalam sebuah template
- Cara penanganan URL dalam template web
Modul keempat(upload web ke hosting) yang berisi materi :
- Tahap persiapan di komputer local
- Membuat domain gratis di situs
- Membuat hosting gratis di situs
- Membuat database di hosting
- Mengimport database ke hosting
- Mengupload file-file web ke hosting
- Mengubah file koneksi database di hosting
- Menggabungkan domain dengan hosting
Download Modul Kursus
Cara download :
- Tunggulah selama 5 detik untuk melanjutkan langkah selanjutnya, untuk melihat waktunya coba anda lihat di pojok kanan atas
- Jika sudah sampai 5 detik, maka akan muncul tulisan "SKIP AD" atau "LEWATI" di pojok kanan atas. Klik tulisan tersebut
Setelah anda mengklik tulisan tersebut, maka anda akan dibawa menuju link download.
In the English language
User login application in a dynamic web is almost a necessity it's mandatory. because of the absence of flavor-taste login no less darisuatu site. By login you can set who are eligible to enter certain kehalaman and who should not. Besides, it is not directly, the login can be used to record anyone who is online, who often visited our site and so on.
OK deh udahan brass tacks, let's start. We'll see what it takesto make this application user login:1. PHP 4.0 or more.2. Webserver, can use Apache, IIS, PWS or others that support PHP3. MySQL database server4. Editor, suggested use Dreamweaver MX to more easily or useNotepad if pengin created manually.5. And of course there must be intent, there must be a time and have no willpower.
Creating Tables Required
First of all let us make the first table is needed with MySQL. Here Idemonstrated user table with the following fields:-------------------------------------------------- ------------Field Name Type length-------------------------------------------------- ------------username Varchar 20name Varchar 30password Varchar 50
If necessary, you can add another field. Let's create a query immediately wrote hisin MySQL:
CREATE TABLE `user` (`username` VARCHAR (20) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, PRIMARYKEY (`username`), UNIQUE (`username`));
Note: Special in FTI Hosting, we can easily create the above tablewith MySQL facilities manager.
Once the table is successfully created, then fill it with some data (records) asexamples. For example, the following command:
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('achma', 'Achmad Solichin', 'nasigoreng');INSERT INTO user VALUES ('Okti', 'Okti Ragin', 'ragils');INSERT INTO user VALUES ('sri', 'Sri Widhiyanti', 'sri');
Note: Here, the password field is not dienkript first. If youThe password field dienkript want to use the password function ()or function md5 () of MySQL.
Making Initial View Log
Create a file with name login.php login page as the initial view, asthe following:
<html><head><title> Login here </ title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css"><! -table {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;}{inputfont-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;height: 20px;}-></ Style></ Head>
<body><div align="center">The source code is action="periksa.php" method="POST" name="login"><table width="286" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><! - DWLayoutTable -><tr bgcolor="#FF6633"><td height="19" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><font color="#FFFFFF"> LOGIN HERE </ font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td width="106" height="27"> </ td><td width="180"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="18" align="right" valign="middle"> Username: </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="username" id="username" type="text" size="20"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="18" align="right" valign="middle"> Password: </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="19"> </ td><td> </ td></ Tr>
<tr><td height="18" valign="top"> <! - DWLayoutEmptyCell -> </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="login" type="submit" id="login" value=" Login "> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="28"> </ td><td> </ td></ Tr><tr bgcolor="#FF6633"><td height="18" colspan="2" valign="top"> <! - DWLayoutEmptyCell -> </ td></ Tr></ Table></ Form></ Div></ Body></ Html>
From the initial look of the program above, we can see that the program usesinput form as follows:- Username bertype text- Password password bertype- Submit the login button bertypeIf the button is pressed then the login form will be processed on the contents page periksa.phpaccording to the action on the form tag
Making Home Inspection Login
Once we make the initial view, then we create a login page forcheck if the username and password are entered correctly or incorrectly.Create a file with the name periksa.php as follows:
<? Phpsession_start ();# **************** ***************** # Connect to mysql$ Host = "database";$ User = "0211500314";$ Pass = "8925603";$ Dbname = "db_0211500314";$ Conn = mysql_connect ($ host, $ user, $ pass);if ($ conn) {/ / Select database$ Sele = mysql_select_db ($ dbname);if (! $ sele) {echo mysql_error ();}}# # ***************** ****************** End connections
# If the login button is pressedif (isset ($ _POST ['login'])) {
$ Username = $ _POST ['username'];$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];$ Sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$ username' &&password = '$ password' ");$ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ sql);if ($ num == 1) {/ / Login correctly / /$ _SESSION ['User'] = $ username;$ _SESSION ['Passwd'] = $ password;?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('You have successfully logged in');document.location = 'berhasil.php' </ script> <?Else {}/ / If the login is wrong / /?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('Your username or passwordone '); document.location =' login.php '</ script> <?}}?>
Once we make the initial view, we just check if the username and passwordentered is valid or not. Username and password is accepted if it is foundin the database. Let us analyze the above program:
To enable session we use the function session_start (). This functionshould be placed at the beginning of the program (at the top). Next do the connection toour MySQL database, using the username and password. For applicationswhich requires a database connection on each page, should be part of this connectionincluded in a special file, so that each one of us requires a database connectionwe just call the file directly using include or require. For examplewe save it as a file koneksi.php then to call the file we canuse the command:
include "koneksi.php";orrequire "koneksi.php";
Once the connection is successful, then we check whether live login buttonlogin.php page contains pressed or not use isset () function is:.....if (isset ($ _POST ['login']))......
If the button is pressed then grab variable from textbox form filled out by the userthis variable __dalam username and password__ and stored in the variabletemporary. Note the order:......$ Username = $ _POST ['username'];$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];......
We already have a username and password variable, then we checkif the username and password in accordance with the existing data in the database. We
select (select) record in the user table corresponding to the username variable andTSB password
......$ Sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$ username' &&password = '$ password' ");$ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ sql);......Mysql_query () function is used to execute a query or commandmysql, so as if we were typing commands directly in the mysql prompt.While the function mysql_num_rows () is used to calculate the number of recordsresulting from a command (query) mysql. In the above program, variable$ Num will contain the number of records generated from the $ sql. The contents of the variable $ num ususe to check if the username and password are actuallyuser table. If found exactly 1 record the username and password are correct andberhasil.php redirect page. But if it is not found, then it meansusername and or password incorrect, please return to the login.php page. Tousing javascript redirect here. Please examine the following program:.......if ($ num == 1) {/ / Login correctly / /$ _SESSION ['User'] = $ username;$ _SESSION ['Passwd'] = $ password;?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('You have successfully logged in');document.location = 'berhasil.php' </ script> <?Else {}/ / If the login is wrong / /?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('Your username or password is incorrect');document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?}.......
If successful, before then redirected to the page berhasil.php advance ourset session variable called $ _SESSION ['user'] and $ _SESSION ['passwd']. VariablesThis session is used to check whether a particular user the right to enter into apage or not.
Creating Pages for successful login and logout page
If the login is successful, the user will go to berhasil.php. The content of the pageThis so depends on you, according to your web halama. As a simple example,Let us make the following pages:
<?session_start ();/ / Check whether the user has logged in or have a sessionif (! isset ($ _SESSION ['user']) | |! isset ($ _SESSION ['passwd'])) {?> <script Language='JavaScript'> alert ('You are not logged. Please login first');document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?Else {}?><html><head>
<title> Success </ title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></ Head>
<table width="746" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><! - DWLayoutTable -><tr><td width="746" height="23" align="center" valign="top"> <font face = "Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif "> CongratulationsComing <? echo $ _SESSION ['user']?> <ahref = "logout.php"> LOGOUT strong </ strong> </ a> </ font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="88"> </ td></ Tr><tr align="center" valign="middle"><td height="33"> <font color="#FF0000" size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> YOULOGIN SUCCESSFUL!! </ Font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="62"> </ td></ Tr></ Table></ Body></ Html><? }?>
In the above berhasil.php page there is a link that leads to logout.php. Wewill make logout.php where if the user logout (click on logout linkabove) then the session that she had to be removed. Here for logout.php file:
<?session_start ();/ / Check whether the user has logged in or have a sessionif (! isset ($ _SESSION ['user']) | |! isset ($ _SESSION ['passwd'])) {?> <script Language='JavaScript'> document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?Else {}unset ($ _SESSION);session_destroy ();?> Script language = 'javascript'> document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?}?>
To delete a session variable we can use the function unset () andsession_destroy (). Once the session is said to have removed the user logout andcan not go to the page for users not logged berhasil.php again.
OK deh udahan brass tacks, let's start. We'll see what it takesto make this application user login:1. PHP 4.0 or more.2. Webserver, can use Apache, IIS, PWS or others that support PHP3. MySQL database server4. Editor, suggested use Dreamweaver MX to more easily or useNotepad if pengin created manually.5. And of course there must be intent, there must be a time and have no willpower.
Creating Tables Required
First of all let us make the first table is needed with MySQL. Here Idemonstrated user table with the following fields:-------------------------------------------------- ------------Field Name Type length-------------------------------------------------- ------------username Varchar 20name Varchar 30password Varchar 50
If necessary, you can add another field. Let's create a query immediately wrote hisin MySQL:
CREATE TABLE `user` (`username` VARCHAR (20) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, PRIMARYKEY (`username`), UNIQUE (`username`));
Note: Special in FTI Hosting, we can easily create the above tablewith MySQL facilities manager.
Once the table is successfully created, then fill it with some data (records) asexamples. For example, the following command:
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('achma', 'Achmad Solichin', 'nasigoreng');INSERT INTO user VALUES ('Okti', 'Okti Ragin', 'ragils');INSERT INTO user VALUES ('sri', 'Sri Widhiyanti', 'sri');
Note: Here, the password field is not dienkript first. If youThe password field dienkript want to use the password function ()or function md5 () of MySQL.
Making Initial View Log
Create a file with name login.php login page as the initial view, asthe following:
<html><head><title> Login here </ title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css"><! -table {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;}{inputfont-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 11px;height: 20px;}-></ Style></ Head>
<body><div align="center">The source code is action="periksa.php" method="POST" name="login"><table width="286" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><! - DWLayoutTable -><tr bgcolor="#FF6633"><td height="19" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><font color="#FFFFFF"> LOGIN HERE </ font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td width="106" height="27"> </ td><td width="180"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="18" align="right" valign="middle"> Username: </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="username" id="username" type="text" size="20"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="18" align="right" valign="middle"> Password: </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20"> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="19"> </ td><td> </ td></ Tr>
<tr><td height="18" valign="top"> <! - DWLayoutEmptyCell -> </ td><td valign="middle"><input name="login" type="submit" id="login" value=" Login "> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="28"> </ td><td> </ td></ Tr><tr bgcolor="#FF6633"><td height="18" colspan="2" valign="top"> <! - DWLayoutEmptyCell -> </ td></ Tr></ Table></ Form></ Div></ Body></ Html>
From the initial look of the program above, we can see that the program usesinput form as follows:- Username bertype text- Password password bertype- Submit the login button bertypeIf the button is pressed then the login form will be processed on the contents page periksa.phpaccording to the action on the form tag
Making Home Inspection Login
Once we make the initial view, then we create a login page forcheck if the username and password are entered correctly or incorrectly.Create a file with the name periksa.php as follows:
<? Phpsession_start ();# **************** ***************** # Connect to mysql$ Host = "database";$ User = "0211500314";$ Pass = "8925603";$ Dbname = "db_0211500314";$ Conn = mysql_connect ($ host, $ user, $ pass);if ($ conn) {/ / Select database$ Sele = mysql_select_db ($ dbname);if (! $ sele) {echo mysql_error ();}}# # ***************** ****************** End connections
# If the login button is pressedif (isset ($ _POST ['login'])) {
$ Username = $ _POST ['username'];$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];$ Sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$ username' &&password = '$ password' ");$ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ sql);if ($ num == 1) {/ / Login correctly / /$ _SESSION ['User'] = $ username;$ _SESSION ['Passwd'] = $ password;?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('You have successfully logged in');document.location = 'berhasil.php' </ script> <?Else {}/ / If the login is wrong / /?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('Your username or passwordone '); document.location =' login.php '</ script> <?}}?>
Once we make the initial view, we just check if the username and passwordentered is valid or not. Username and password is accepted if it is foundin the database. Let us analyze the above program:
To enable session we use the function session_start (). This functionshould be placed at the beginning of the program (at the top). Next do the connection toour MySQL database, using the username and password. For applicationswhich requires a database connection on each page, should be part of this connectionincluded in a special file, so that each one of us requires a database connectionwe just call the file directly using include or require. For examplewe save it as a file koneksi.php then to call the file we canuse the command:
include "koneksi.php";orrequire "koneksi.php";
Once the connection is successful, then we check whether live login buttonlogin.php page contains pressed or not use isset () function is:.....if (isset ($ _POST ['login']))......
If the button is pressed then grab variable from textbox form filled out by the userthis variable __dalam username and password__ and stored in the variabletemporary. Note the order:......$ Username = $ _POST ['username'];$ Password = $ _POST ['password'];......
We already have a username and password variable, then we checkif the username and password in accordance with the existing data in the database. We
select (select) record in the user table corresponding to the username variable andTSB password
......$ Sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$ username' &&password = '$ password' ");$ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ sql);......Mysql_query () function is used to execute a query or commandmysql, so as if we were typing commands directly in the mysql prompt.While the function mysql_num_rows () is used to calculate the number of recordsresulting from a command (query) mysql. In the above program, variable$ Num will contain the number of records generated from the $ sql. The contents of the variable $ num ususe to check if the username and password are actuallyuser table. If found exactly 1 record the username and password are correct andberhasil.php redirect page. But if it is not found, then it meansusername and or password incorrect, please return to the login.php page. Tousing javascript redirect here. Please examine the following program:.......if ($ num == 1) {/ / Login correctly / /$ _SESSION ['User'] = $ username;$ _SESSION ['Passwd'] = $ password;?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('You have successfully logged in');document.location = 'berhasil.php' </ script> <?Else {}/ / If the login is wrong / /?> <script Language="JavaScript"> alert ('Your username or password is incorrect');document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?}.......
If successful, before then redirected to the page berhasil.php advance ourset session variable called $ _SESSION ['user'] and $ _SESSION ['passwd']. VariablesThis session is used to check whether a particular user the right to enter into apage or not.
Creating Pages for successful login and logout page
If the login is successful, the user will go to berhasil.php. The content of the pageThis so depends on you, according to your web halama. As a simple example,Let us make the following pages:
<?session_start ();/ / Check whether the user has logged in or have a sessionif (! isset ($ _SESSION ['user']) | |! isset ($ _SESSION ['passwd'])) {?> <script Language='JavaScript'> alert ('You are not logged. Please login first');document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?Else {}?><html><head>
<title> Success </ title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></ Head>
<table width="746" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><! - DWLayoutTable -><tr><td width="746" height="23" align="center" valign="top"> <font face = "Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif "> CongratulationsComing <? echo $ _SESSION ['user']?> <ahref = "logout.php"> LOGOUT strong </ strong> </ a> </ font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="88"> </ td></ Tr><tr align="center" valign="middle"><td height="33"> <font color="#FF0000" size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> YOULOGIN SUCCESSFUL!! </ Font> </ td></ Tr><tr><td height="62"> </ td></ Tr></ Table></ Body></ Html><? }?>
In the above berhasil.php page there is a link that leads to logout.php. Wewill make logout.php where if the user logout (click on logout linkabove) then the session that she had to be removed. Here for logout.php file:
<?session_start ();/ / Check whether the user has logged in or have a sessionif (! isset ($ _SESSION ['user']) | |! isset ($ _SESSION ['passwd'])) {?> <script Language='JavaScript'> document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?Else {}unset ($ _SESSION);session_destroy ();?> Script language = 'javascript'> document.location = 'login.php' </ script> <?}?>
To delete a session variable we can use the function unset () andsession_destroy (). Once the session is said to have removed the user logout andcan not go to the page for users not logged berhasil.php again.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Aplikasi login user dalam suatu web dinamis
hampir merupakan menjadi suatu kebutuhan wajib rasanya . karena Tanpa
adanya login rasa-rasanya ada yang kurang darisuatu situs. Dengan login
kita bisa mengatur siapa saja yang berhak masuk kehalaman tertentu dan
siapa saja yang tidak boleh. Disamping itu secara tidak
langsung, login bisa digunakan untuk mencatat siapa saja yang sedang online, siapa saja yang sering mengunjungi situs kita dan seterusnya.
OK basa-basinya udahan deh, kita mulai saja. Kita lihat dulu apa yang diperlukan
untuk membuat aplikasi login user ini :
1. PHP 4.0 atau lebih.
2. Webserver, bisa pake Apache, IIS, PWS atau yang lain yang support PHP
3. Database server MySQL
4. Editor, disarankan pake Dreamweaver MX untuk lebih mudahnya atau pake
Notepad jika pengin buat secara manual.
5. Dan tentunya harus ada niat, harus ada waktu dan harus ada kemauan.
Membuat Tabel yang Diperlukan
Pertama-tama mari kita buat dulu tabel yang diperlukan dengan MySQL. Di sini saya
contohkan tabel user dengan field sbb :
Nama Field Type panjang
username Varchar 20
nama Varchar 30
password Varchar 50
Jika diperlukan, bisa ditambahkan field yang lain. Mari langsung aja buat query-nya
di MySQL :
CREATE TABLE `user` (`username` VARCHAR (20) NOT NULL, `nama` VARCHAR
(30) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY
KEY(`username`), UNIQUE(`username`));
Catatan : Khusus di FTI Hosting, kita bisa dengan mudah membuat tabel di atas
dengan fasilitas MySQL manager.
Setelah table berhasil dibuat, kemudian isi dengan beberapa data (record) sebagai
contoh. Misalnya dengan perintah sbb :
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('achma', 'Achmad Solichin', 'nasigoreng');
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('okti', 'Okti Ragil', 'ragils');
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('sri', 'Sri Widhiyanti', 'sri');
Catatan : Di sini, field password tidak dienkript terlebih dahulu. Jika Anda
menginginkan field password ini dienkript bisa menggunakan fungsi password()
atau fungsi md5() dari MySQL.
Membuat Tampilan Awal Login
Buatlah file dengan nama login.php sebagai tampilan awal halaman login, sebagai
berikut :
<title>Login here</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
table {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
input {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
height: 20px;
<div align="center">
<form action="periksa.php" method="post" name="login">
<table width="286" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#FF6633">
<td height="19" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">
<font color="#FFFFFF">LOGIN DI SINI</font></td>
<td width="106" height="27"> </td>
<td width="180"> </td>
<td height="18" align="right" valign="middle">Username : </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="20"></td>
<td height="18" align="right" valign="middle">Password : </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20"></td>
<td height="19"> </td>
<td height="18" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="login" type="submit" id="login" value=" Login "></td>
<td height="28"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#FF6633">
<td height="18" colspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
Dari program tampilan awal di atas, kita bisa lihat bahwa program menggunakan
form inputan sbb :
- username bertype text
- password bertype password
- tombol login bertype submit
Jika tombol login ditekan maka isi form akan diproses di halaman periksa.php
sesuai dengan action pada tag form
Membuat Halaman Pemeriksaan Login
Setelah tampilan awal kita buat, maka kita buat halaman pemeriksaan login untuk
memeriksa apakah username dan password yang diinputkan benar atau salah.
Buatlah file dengan nama periksa.php sebagai berikut :
#**************** koneksi ke mysql *****************#
$host = "database";
$user = "0211500314";
$pass = "8925603";
$dbname = "db_0211500314";
$conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);
if($conn) {
//select database
$sele = mysql_select_db($dbname);
if(!$sele) {
echo mysql_error();
#***************** akhir koneksi ******************#
#jika ditekan tombol login
if(isset($_POST['login'])) {
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='$username' &&
$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if($num==1) {
// login benar //
$_SESSION['user'] = $username;
$_SESSION['passwd'] = $password;
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Anda berhasil login');
} else {
// jika login salah //
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Username atau password Anda
salah'); document.location='login.php'</script><?
Setelah tampilan awal kita buat, kita tinggal periksa apakah username dan password
yang dimasukkan valid atau tidak. Username dan password diterima jika ditemukan
di database. Mari kita analisa program di atas :
Untuk mengaktifkan session kita menggunakan fungsi session_start(). Fungsi ini
sebaiknya diletakkan di awal program (paling atas). Berikutnya lakukan koneksi ke
database MySQL kita, menggunakan username dan password kita. Untuk aplikasi
yang memerlukan koneksi database di setiap halaman, sebaiknya bagian koneksi ini
dimasukkan dalam file khusus, sehingga setiap kita memerlukan koneksi database
kita tinggal panggil filenya langsung menggunakan include atau require. Misalnya
kita simpan sebagai file koneksi.php maka untuk memanggil file tsb kita bisa
menggunakan perintah :
include “koneksi.php”;
require “koneksi.php”;
Setelah koneksi berhasil, maka tinggal kita periksa apakah tombol login yang
terdapat di halaman login.php ditekan atau tidak menggunakan fungsi isset() yaitu:
Jika tombol ditekan maka ambil variable dari form textbox yang diisi oleh user
__dalam hal ini variable username dan password__ dan disimpan dalam variable
sementara. Perhatikan perintah :
$username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = $_POST[‘password’];
Kita sudah mendapatkan variable username dan password, selanjutnya kita periksa
apakah username dan password ini sesuai dengan data yang ada di database. Kita
pilih (select) record di tabel user yang sesuai dengan variable username dan
password tsb
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='$username' &&
$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
Fungsi mysql_query() digunakan untuk mengeksekusi suatu query atau perintah
mysql, jadi seolah-olah kita mengetikkan perintah secara langsung di prompt mysql.
Sedangkan fungsi mysql_num_rows() digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah record
yang dihasilkan dari suatu perintah (query ) mysql. Dalam program di atas, variable
$num akan berisi jumlah record yang dihasilkan dari $sql. Isi variable $num ini kita
gunakan untuk memeriksa apakah username dan password benar-benar berada di
tabel user. Jika ditemukan tepat 1 record maka username dan password benar dan
redirect halaman berhasil.php. Namun jika tidak ditemukan, maka berarti
username dan atau passwordnya salah, kembalikan ke halaman login.php. Untuk
redirect di sini menggunakan javascript. Perhatikan potongan program berikut :
if($num==1) {
// login benar //
$_SESSION['user'] = $username;
$_SESSION['passwd'] = $password;
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Anda berhasil login');
} else {
// jika login salah //
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Username atau password Anda salah');
Jika berhasil, sebelum diredirect ke halaman berhasil.php maka terlebih dahulu kita
set variable session bernama $_SESSION[‘user’] dan $_SESSION[‘passwd’]. Variabel
session ini digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah user tertentu berhak masuk ke suatu
halaman ataukah tidak.
Membuat Halaman untuk Login berhasil dan halaman logout
Jika login berhasil maka user akan masuk ke halaman berhasil.php. Isi dari halaman
ini ya tergantung Anda, sesuai dengan halama web Anda. Sebagai contoh sederhana,
mari kita buat halaman sebagai berikut :
//periksa apakah user telah login atau memiliki session
if(!isset($_SESSION[‘user’]) || !isset($_SESSION[‘passwd’])) {
?><script language=’javascript’>alert(‘Anda belum login. Please login dulu’);
} else {
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<table width="746" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="746" height="23" align="center" valign="top"><font face="Verdana, Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif">Selamat
Datang <? echo $_SESSION['user'] ?> <a
<td height="88"> </td>
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td height="33"><font color="#FF0000" size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ANDA
BERHASIL LOGIN !!</font></td>
<td height="62"> </td>
<? } ?>
Dalam halaman berhasil.php di atas terdapat link yang mengarah ke logout.php. Kita
akan membuat logout.php dimana jika user melakukan logout (meng-klik link logout
di atas) maka session yang dia miliki akan dihapus. Berikut untuk file logout.php :
//periksa apakah user telah login atau memiliki session
if(!isset($_SESSION[‘user’]) || !isset($_SESSION[‘passwd’])) {
?><script language=’javascript’> document.location=’login.php’</script><?
} else {
?> script language=’javascript’> document.location=’login.php’</script><?
Untuk menghapus variable session kita bisa menggunakan fungsi unset() dan
session_destroy(). Setelah session dihapus maka user dikatakan sudah logout dan
tidak bisa masuk ke halaman berhasil.php selama user belum login lagi.
langsung, login bisa digunakan untuk mencatat siapa saja yang sedang online, siapa saja yang sering mengunjungi situs kita dan seterusnya.
OK basa-basinya udahan deh, kita mulai saja. Kita lihat dulu apa yang diperlukan
untuk membuat aplikasi login user ini :
1. PHP 4.0 atau lebih.
2. Webserver, bisa pake Apache, IIS, PWS atau yang lain yang support PHP
3. Database server MySQL
4. Editor, disarankan pake Dreamweaver MX untuk lebih mudahnya atau pake
Notepad jika pengin buat secara manual.
5. Dan tentunya harus ada niat, harus ada waktu dan harus ada kemauan.
Membuat Tabel yang Diperlukan
Pertama-tama mari kita buat dulu tabel yang diperlukan dengan MySQL. Di sini saya
contohkan tabel user dengan field sbb :
Nama Field Type panjang
username Varchar 20
nama Varchar 30
password Varchar 50
Jika diperlukan, bisa ditambahkan field yang lain. Mari langsung aja buat query-nya
di MySQL :
CREATE TABLE `user` (`username` VARCHAR (20) NOT NULL, `nama` VARCHAR
(30) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY
KEY(`username`), UNIQUE(`username`));
Catatan : Khusus di FTI Hosting, kita bisa dengan mudah membuat tabel di atas
dengan fasilitas MySQL manager.
Setelah table berhasil dibuat, kemudian isi dengan beberapa data (record) sebagai
contoh. Misalnya dengan perintah sbb :
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('achma', 'Achmad Solichin', 'nasigoreng');
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('okti', 'Okti Ragil', 'ragils');
INSERT INTO user VALUES ('sri', 'Sri Widhiyanti', 'sri');
Catatan : Di sini, field password tidak dienkript terlebih dahulu. Jika Anda
menginginkan field password ini dienkript bisa menggunakan fungsi password()
atau fungsi md5() dari MySQL.
Membuat Tampilan Awal Login
Buatlah file dengan nama login.php sebagai tampilan awal halaman login, sebagai
berikut :
<title>Login here</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
table {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
input {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
height: 20px;
<div align="center">
<form action="periksa.php" method="post" name="login">
<table width="286" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#FF6633">
<td height="19" colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle">
<font color="#FFFFFF">LOGIN DI SINI</font></td>
<td width="106" height="27"> </td>
<td width="180"> </td>
<td height="18" align="right" valign="middle">Username : </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="20"></td>
<td height="18" align="right" valign="middle">Password : </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="20"></td>
<td height="19"> </td>
<td height="18" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
<td valign="middle">
<input name="login" type="submit" id="login" value=" Login "></td>
<td height="28"> </td>
<tr bgcolor="#FF6633">
<td height="18" colspan="2" valign="top"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
Dari program tampilan awal di atas, kita bisa lihat bahwa program menggunakan
form inputan sbb :
- username bertype text
- password bertype password
- tombol login bertype submit
Jika tombol login ditekan maka isi form akan diproses di halaman periksa.php
sesuai dengan action pada tag form
Membuat Halaman Pemeriksaan Login
Setelah tampilan awal kita buat, maka kita buat halaman pemeriksaan login untuk
memeriksa apakah username dan password yang diinputkan benar atau salah.
Buatlah file dengan nama periksa.php sebagai berikut :
#**************** koneksi ke mysql *****************#
$host = "database";
$user = "0211500314";
$pass = "8925603";
$dbname = "db_0211500314";
$conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass);
if($conn) {
//select database
$sele = mysql_select_db($dbname);
if(!$sele) {
echo mysql_error();
#***************** akhir koneksi ******************#
#jika ditekan tombol login
if(isset($_POST['login'])) {
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='$username' &&
$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if($num==1) {
// login benar //
$_SESSION['user'] = $username;
$_SESSION['passwd'] = $password;
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Anda berhasil login');
} else {
// jika login salah //
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Username atau password Anda
salah'); document.location='login.php'</script><?
Setelah tampilan awal kita buat, kita tinggal periksa apakah username dan password
yang dimasukkan valid atau tidak. Username dan password diterima jika ditemukan
di database. Mari kita analisa program di atas :
Untuk mengaktifkan session kita menggunakan fungsi session_start(). Fungsi ini
sebaiknya diletakkan di awal program (paling atas). Berikutnya lakukan koneksi ke
database MySQL kita, menggunakan username dan password kita. Untuk aplikasi
yang memerlukan koneksi database di setiap halaman, sebaiknya bagian koneksi ini
dimasukkan dalam file khusus, sehingga setiap kita memerlukan koneksi database
kita tinggal panggil filenya langsung menggunakan include atau require. Misalnya
kita simpan sebagai file koneksi.php maka untuk memanggil file tsb kita bisa
menggunakan perintah :
include “koneksi.php”;
require “koneksi.php”;
Setelah koneksi berhasil, maka tinggal kita periksa apakah tombol login yang
terdapat di halaman login.php ditekan atau tidak menggunakan fungsi isset() yaitu:
Jika tombol ditekan maka ambil variable dari form textbox yang diisi oleh user
__dalam hal ini variable username dan password__ dan disimpan dalam variable
sementara. Perhatikan perintah :
$username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = $_POST[‘password’];
Kita sudah mendapatkan variable username dan password, selanjutnya kita periksa
apakah username dan password ini sesuai dengan data yang ada di database. Kita
pilih (select) record di tabel user yang sesuai dengan variable username dan
password tsb
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='$username' &&
$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
Fungsi mysql_query() digunakan untuk mengeksekusi suatu query atau perintah
mysql, jadi seolah-olah kita mengetikkan perintah secara langsung di prompt mysql.
Sedangkan fungsi mysql_num_rows() digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah record
yang dihasilkan dari suatu perintah (query ) mysql. Dalam program di atas, variable
$num akan berisi jumlah record yang dihasilkan dari $sql. Isi variable $num ini kita
gunakan untuk memeriksa apakah username dan password benar-benar berada di
tabel user. Jika ditemukan tepat 1 record maka username dan password benar dan
redirect halaman berhasil.php. Namun jika tidak ditemukan, maka berarti
username dan atau passwordnya salah, kembalikan ke halaman login.php. Untuk
redirect di sini menggunakan javascript. Perhatikan potongan program berikut :
if($num==1) {
// login benar //
$_SESSION['user'] = $username;
$_SESSION['passwd'] = $password;
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Anda berhasil login');
} else {
// jika login salah //
?><script language="JavaScript">alert('Username atau password Anda salah');
Jika berhasil, sebelum diredirect ke halaman berhasil.php maka terlebih dahulu kita
set variable session bernama $_SESSION[‘user’] dan $_SESSION[‘passwd’]. Variabel
session ini digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah user tertentu berhak masuk ke suatu
halaman ataukah tidak.
Membuat Halaman untuk Login berhasil dan halaman logout
Jika login berhasil maka user akan masuk ke halaman berhasil.php. Isi dari halaman
ini ya tergantung Anda, sesuai dengan halama web Anda. Sebagai contoh sederhana,
mari kita buat halaman sebagai berikut :
//periksa apakah user telah login atau memiliki session
if(!isset($_SESSION[‘user’]) || !isset($_SESSION[‘passwd’])) {
?><script language=’javascript’>alert(‘Anda belum login. Please login dulu’);
} else {
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<table width="746" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="746" height="23" align="center" valign="top"><font face="Verdana, Arial,
Helvetica, sans-serif">Selamat
Datang <? echo $_SESSION['user'] ?> <a
<td height="88"> </td>
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
<td height="33"><font color="#FF0000" size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ANDA
BERHASIL LOGIN !!</font></td>
<td height="62"> </td>
<? } ?>
Dalam halaman berhasil.php di atas terdapat link yang mengarah ke logout.php. Kita
akan membuat logout.php dimana jika user melakukan logout (meng-klik link logout
di atas) maka session yang dia miliki akan dihapus. Berikut untuk file logout.php :
//periksa apakah user telah login atau memiliki session
if(!isset($_SESSION[‘user’]) || !isset($_SESSION[‘passwd’])) {
?><script language=’javascript’> document.location=’login.php’</script><?
} else {
?> script language=’javascript’> document.location=’login.php’</script><?
Untuk menghapus variable session kita bisa menggunakan fungsi unset() dan
session_destroy(). Setelah session dihapus maka user dikatakan sudah logout dan
tidak bisa masuk ke halaman berhasil.php selama user belum login lagi.
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